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Farm workers’ heroic efforts to pass overtime fall short

Farm workers’ heroic efforts to pass overtime fall short

Heroic effort to win equal overtime pay protections for farm workers falls short. Some 300 farm workers from all over California sacrificed a day of wages to travel to Sacramento yesterday so that all California farm workers could get the same overtime pay protections after 8 hour day that other workers have had for 78 years. We will need to help Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon get the 3 votes he couldn’t get.‎

38 Democrats voted to end 78 years of racist labor law that excludes farm workers from overtime pay after 8-hours of backbreaking labor. 14 Democrats sided with the Republicans. Speaker Rendon couldn’t get 3 of those Democrats to do the right thing.  We came up short. It’s clear Speaker Rendon needs help…and we will be asking you to give it to him.

Here is the final list of the legislators and how they voted. The circled portion shows who voted against or failed to vote for the legislation. And the top part is who voted for the legislation. We will keep fighting for this and organizing new support so that farm workers can be treated equally.

Thank you for the support.

Si Se Puede!

UFW's photo.